Wall Street Cheat Sheet / Wealth Cycles

This is a what a market wealth cycle looks like when you are looking at the human psychology of what people inside markets are thinking emotionally. This is good to know because you will see this very cycle play out on any asset inside a market when the price goes through these emotional phases based on what humans are doing.

Remember, for every trade to take place on a market there are buyers and sellers on each side of the trade. The goal is to get in on the bottom and sell on the highs or near the Euphoria phase.

When you reach the disbelief phase the whole cycle will repeat itself again at some point. Its IMPORTANT to note, that the anger and depression phases can either last months or years on end sometimes or you can get a double peak cycle within a wealth cycle, like we have seen with BTC in the 2013 BULL RUN. This means that you can see this entire cycle happen twice back to back before we go into an extended BEAR market.